
Abby’s Tips for Writer’s Block.

Hello, fellow writers. I’m delighted to be here. My favorite trick for untangling complicated subject matters I’m asked to write about is to try to remember something, anything I learned by rote, song lyrics, poems I memorized as a child (I wowed the audience at the sixth-grade talent show with my rousing recitation of “Casey at the Bat”), insightful, inspirational, or fun quotations I’ve learned over the years.

As you might expect, this exercise does not always begin successfully. Very rarely can I recall all of the lines of “Casey at the Bat”. So, I will eventually look it up. But for reasons not wholly clear to me, I helps blow lots of dust and cobwebs away. Maybe it’s just focusing on a small chunk of data, as opposed to a lot of confusing data.

Then I go back to my task with renewed confidence and undertake my Gordian knot task with calm and patience.

Try it. Maybe it will work for you.

Happy holidays, and “God bless us, every one.”

Published by Abby Britton

Bachelor of Arts in English literature, McGill University, Montreal. Master of Arts in English literature, University of Missouri-Columbia Since 2006, I have served as a courtesy resolution writer for the Missouri Senate. Prior to this I worked in a variety of positions with Perry Johnson, Inc. and Perry Johnson Registrars as a quality and environmental management systems trainer, auditor, and consultant, audit program manager and management representative for nearly ten years. Abby began her career at Mark Twain Bancshares in St. Louis, Missouri, a publicly traded company, as director of corporate communications and media relations; as the director of marketing Jefferson/Keeler Printing Company (a family owned and operated business); and as executive assistant to the president of Printing Industries of St. Louis, Inc., St. Louis, a trade association.

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